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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?/lost archives

At 10:56 AM 1/6/2003 -0800, Steven Mills wrote:
>I've noticed this about certain subject matter especially on the web.
>Pages seem to appear and then disappear with the ol' 404 error
>page not available.

when webpages disappear, you can always try to locate them on the internet
archives at www.archive.org. you'd be surprised what is archived, but you
do have to have the original web address. If you've bookmarked it and are
using IExplorer, putting your cursor on the bookmark will reveal the
address. Or you could click it and when it appears in the address line, you
can copy then and paste to the internet archives search line. Often
valuable technical papers are short-lived in cyberspace and this often will
retrieve them. An amazing resource.

William Alford

Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner