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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

From: Michael B Holt <tlohm@juno.com>
> I like the idea of the gravity well as a pressure hull.   There'd
> be no problem at all with seeing out ....

Good point. I would still want an enclosure or inner hull perhaps
clear plastic?  If the gravity bubble were to collapse suddenly
would that create a blackhole?  ( I'm out of my league here! )
...just a thought...

> Someone here, a couple of years ago, claimed to have built
> and operated a MHD drive at low ouput.   After the first
> announcement, I never heard any more about it.

I've noticed this about certain subject matter especially on the web.
Pages seem to appear and then disappear with the ol' 404 error
page not available.   There was a British gent' who discovered a
way of converting old crankcase oil into a cheap but highly effective
rocket fuel with household/shop chemicals one being methyl alcohol.
I don't remember the other additives ...and....I can't find the webpage.

 > >Anyone think a microwave/ microwave guide to a chamber that would heat
> >the sea water and the rapid expansion from heated water would
> >generate enough thrust ?  I think the resonant frequency for water
> >is around 2.0-2.5 ghz? You'd have to shield it or the submersible
> >would turn into a microwave oven.
> Why would this NOT work?

Yes, why not?  Could a small microwave oven be converted to power
a small pSub in this manner?  The wireless network community had
found a way of using a "Pringles" can ( like in potato chips ) as a wave
guide for point-to-point wireless communication. Apparently the can is
shaped to generate 2.4 Ghz.   I don't know what kind of heat this would
generate for the can before, and if, it would breakdown, but other materials
could be used following this simple design.
