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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

On Sun, 05 Jan 2003 14:59:24 -0600 "Nero Wolfe"  writes:
>I was at the University of Chicago today and i saw the monument to 
>enrico firmi's CP-1.  Chicago Pile 1 was a big pile of graphite and 
>unenriched uranium...  Literally a pile.  This got me thinking...   A
>is disturbingly simple.  I think you know where I'm going on this....  
>The technology is simpler than cartsens boat...  

Of course, you are aware of the complications which attend any
serious discussion of use of radioactive material.  But we will
all admit it has certain attractions.

However, there may be an alternative.   Something inexpensive,
renewable and totally lacking in governmental controls.

Friday I received the latest catalog from American Science and
Surplus.  In it was the inspiration for my latest Good Idea: the
banana clock.   Probes in one small banana will capture enough
electric power to operate a digital clock.

Why could we not use a sufficient quantity of bananas to power
a sub?    This could revolutionize psubs by giving us all enough
inexpensive power!    It had the added attraction of getting the
involvement of the women in our lives, as they can be sent to
choose the best bananas!

Think of it!  Instead of buying 6 24-volt golf cart batteries, we
buy a couple of bushels of, say, apples -- after suitable 
research, that is, to determine the best power source.  When
we want to increase speed, we just stick probes in another
few apples.   When the trip is over the sub back on the trailer,
we can eat the power sources on the way back home.

But there is also a research project in this.   What is the best
fruit for power?   Are bananas the best, or might potatoes (also
possible in the aforementioned clock) be a more potent source?  
Perhaps some diligent soul might reveal that the best source of 
power are pears!    Or grapes!

In any  case, the use of fruit-power will avoid the senseless
overuse of our fossil-fuel resources.  It will send us all on a 
new course, leading the environmental pack, away from the
carnivornous monster of petroleum-based fuels.   In the process,
we can avoid the legal and social pitfalls of atomic power.

Mike H.

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