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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

On 05 Jan 2003 15:56:16 -0600
"Dale A. Raby" <publisher@thegreenbayweb.com> wrote:

> Hey, now.... wouldn't that be cool.  The reactors on board some of those
> old space probes launched in the sixties are still producing current
> from their thermocouples in atomic piles... tiny ones at that...after
> all these years.  

Here's some more fuel for thought for you guys:

Similar to the thermocouples this relies on Alpha particles
to knock electrons across a 'semi-conductor gap' on a common
solar panel.

Gotta say, I'd much prefer to go up in a H2O2 explosion than
due to radiation sickness (not to mension all the other people
that would die of radiation sickness or cancer).

(two more words and I've got bingo... ;-)
