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[PSUBS-MAILIST] gauge questions

Hi all,

I'm getting close to finishing my electrical distribution and controls panel, and the next one is a panel for pressure instruments, so I'm starting to research gauges. Someone on the list must have done this before me, so I thought I'd ask. Does anyone have any good sources or other recommendations? For example, any advantage going with liquid filled or dry? I'm looking at gauges for:

1) O2 HP -  I see most gauges in my catalogs say "not for oxygen use".
2) O2 regulated pressure - ditto.
3) Air HP - no problem.
4) Air regulated - no problem.
5) Depth  - the problem is my design prevents me from just mounting a scuba pressure gauge outside the window, I need a panel instrument on the inside. Is it OK to pipe a pressure gauge to the outside with nothing but stainless tubing and a shutoff valve, or would you use some kind of strainer? Is a stainless bourdon really necessary, or brass or copper OK? Does anyone know of an industrial gauge supplier offering faces in fsw?
6) Altimeter - ebay?

Any pearls of wisdom are much appreciated. Sorry for so many questions on something so simple!

