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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Engineering aa Psub was Re: Drive shaft alignment & sopport.

The first hull design of the Euronaut was more theoretical engineering
than practical - a perfect teardrop and much to expensive to build.. 

The later presure hull design was a practical simple cylinder with
endcaps and calculate by normal boiler calculations diagramms and
formuals as it is a good practise. 

Later I show the pressure hull drawing to a more theoretical working 
engineer - and he make a computer stress analysis (FE) - special at
points which are very difficult to calculate or estimate by hand.. 

This analysis shows that the real collapse deep is 430 m ( 1410 feet)
and not 500 m (1640 feet) as calculate by hand. 
We develop some extra theoretical stiffteners (3-4 different versions)
at the weak points -  to increase the collapse deep to 535 m (1755 feet)
- I welded them practical in .. for just 200 Dollar. 

Now the collaspe deep should be near 535 m theoretical and practical.. 
.. But that hopefully I never will find out because in my practical
Handbook how to drive this horse on page one, line one : 
"Never dive in ocean areas deeper than testdeep = 320 m (1050 feet)."  

Seems you need both : practical and theoretical engineering. 

Practical engineering is a very good and quick solution 
if you have the praxis - but at technical areas were nobody 
was before some theoretical calculation would help much.  

I still think that the best solution for a homebuild submarine 
is that : 

1.0) make your own design, 
1.1) sleep about it, 
1.2) think about it, 
1.3) make different versions, 
1.5) calculate what ever you can calculate - if
     you have now idear.. read the archive files about
     bouancy, pressure hull, propane tanks etc, 
     and the F&A page at Psubs. 
1.6) make your choise

2.0) send the drawing to the psub drawing support side at moki files
2.1) send a mail to this list with the link
2.2) If you ask friendly : 
     somebody with more theoretical background will diskuss it with you.
2.3) If you ask friendly :somebody with more practical knowledge
will         diskus it with you.
2.4) Ask yor wife..
2.5) Keep the car out of the garage..
2.5) Build it. 
