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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: metric system

Because, David, everyone's confused!  The Nautical Mile thing is because
"Air miles" is the same thing as "Nautical miles".  And one NM is still
6,076 feet; 1012.69 fathoms; 1.852 km; and 1.15078 statue miles.

David Buchner wrote:
> I see that Ray has already asked for this debate to end, so I won't put in my comments on that whole thing -- but it does bring up a question that's on-topic.
> If I bought a submarine built in the UK, would its instruments be calibrated in meters and, um, (would that be N/m^2 's?)?
> That is, I see airplanes still measuring altitude in feet (and have been told that this is still an aviation standard all over the world... true?), I hear NASA using nautical miles during launches, and SCUBA divers still seem to use feet. Is that just in the US, or this another of those cases where distinct special-interest communities use their own traditional "standards" regardless of the official system of the country they're in?

You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly
on our own point of view."
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, ROTJ