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Well it depends on what you guage says. does it say PSIG, or PSIA
If it's PSIG then drop down to ten feet, and see if it goes to 20, if it 
does, then you can racal it easily. However, if it says PSIA, then you need 
to cal it for 14.7 which is one atmosphere. PSIA absolute is reading the 
weigh of the earths atmmosphere to the surface which is 14.7, and then every 
33 ft down is another atmosphere (IE 1ata surface, 2ata 33ft, 3ata 66ft, etc)
PSIG guage reads the 1st ata as zero, and then 33ft as 1, just to give you a 
I'm pretty sure if you try the first part, and dial the screw to zero, that's 
the way you want it, but you still need to depth check it at least 3 atm's
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---------- Original Message -----------
From: David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 07:53:31 -0500
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re:

> At 07:31 -0400 9/3/02, Michael B Holt wrote:
> >(I have an old diver's wrist depth gauge, and it shows I'm at
> >about 10 feet right now.  Can this be repaired?)
> Are you absolutely sure it's not correct?
> -- 
> David
> buchner@wcta.net - MN, USA
------- End of Original Message -------