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Well it's not figuring out the fraction that's the problem, I just divide to 
give me a decimal value (still in inches thoe) It's the standard system. It 
started because American wanted to be so different from the country they 
declared independance from that they even came up with a new form of 
calculations. It sucks. Metric is so much easier, everything really should be 
metric, everyone I've spoken to pretty much agrees except the hardcore 
patriots. I just don't care for measuring something in fractions, converting 
it to decimal, and then converting it to metric. It's pointless when the 
whole world uses metric, and we are the only country who doesn't. It really 
makes us and our equipment "Incompatible" in a sense. While I was building my 
ROV I used standard, and now that most of the equipment I want to buy fits up 
with metric, I now know what I'm going to use for my sub. It just makes it 
that much more easier, you know?

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---------- Original Message -----------
From: Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 10:33:08 -0600
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: N/A

> Did you know that five out of four people usually have problems with
> fraction?  So welcome to the club, man!
> Carl
> Problah wrote:
> > 
> > I hate fractions. Metric blows away all other scales!!!!
> > Okay lessee. I'll give you my best estimate, but you're still going to 
> > to dunk it. I'll just give you a max depth you can dunk it to if it hold 
> > 165ft
> > .3125 inches.
> > doing it for .28125 to account for corrosion.
> > 18.75inches radius.
> > 120 inches long (hopefully that is between weld points.
> > .3 steel with a flexibility of 3E7
> > gives you:
> > 239 to 266 ft. Dramatic difference, don't you agree?
> > I think I may have not removed the ten percent from the original calc. I
> > never said I was a genius. heh, but regardless the original spec I gave 
> > tells a different story now that you've sent me all the info. I always
> > recommend take half off of that for max operating depth. It's good to be
> > safe, and 110 feet is where you start really losing light in some waters
> > anyways.
> > Good luck with your project, and definately make sure to get the saturated
> > propane out of there, Temper it out if you have to, but that will change 
> > flexibility, and 75 ft might be all you can really go.
> > 
> > Support your local zonenet
> > 
> > ---------- Original Message -----------
> > From: majerus@iowatelecom.net
> > To: <Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org>
> > Sent: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 17:44:38 -0500
> > Subject: N/A
> > 
> > > The body is 37.5 inches round, 10 feet long, 5/16 thickness and
> > > mild steel
> > ------- End of Original Message -------
> -- 
> You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly
> on our own point of view."
> -Obi-Wan Kenobi, ROTJ
------- End of Original Message -------