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Did you know that five out of four people usually have problems with
fraction?  So welcome to the club, man!

Problah wrote:
> I hate fractions. Metric blows away all other scales!!!!
> Okay lessee. I'll give you my best estimate, but you're still going to want
> to dunk it. I'll just give you a max depth you can dunk it to if it hold at
> 165ft
> .3125 inches.
> doing it for .28125 to account for corrosion.
> 18.75inches radius.
> 120 inches long (hopefully that is between weld points.
> .3 steel with a flexibility of 3E7
> gives you:
> 239 to 266 ft. Dramatic difference, don't you agree?
> I think I may have not removed the ten percent from the original calc. I
> never said I was a genius. heh, but regardless the original spec I gave you
> tells a different story now that you've sent me all the info. I always
> recommend take half off of that for max operating depth. It's good to be
> safe, and 110 feet is where you start really losing light in some waters
> anyways.
> Good luck with your project, and definately make sure to get the saturated
> propane out of there, Temper it out if you have to, but that will change your
> flexibility, and 75 ft might be all you can really go.
> Support your local zonenet
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: majerus@iowatelecom.net
> To: <Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org>
> Sent: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 17:44:38 -0500
> Subject: N/A
> > The body is 37.5 inches round, 10 feet long, 5/16 thickness and
> > mild steel
> ------- End of Original Message -------

You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly
on our own point of view."
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, ROTJ