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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Weighing

Weighing the final new submarine before the first dive is a most
important issue. But even very important is the longitudinal center 
of gravity. If the weight is correct.. but imagine all locate in the
stern.. it will maybe never swim on even keel.  

I meassure on my last motorboat this longitudinal center this way :
(Works only with single axis trailer..) Drive the boat on trailer to the
road scale - Put the trailer main axis on the scale and the forward
single wheel on the road in front of the scale - remove the car. 
Meassure the weight. Now put the single forward wheel on the scale -
probably on the same spot at the scale as before the main axis - and the
main axis on the road. Meassure this weight. Drive home - mark
the excact place were ths sub was locate on the trailer and remove
the sub from the trailer and make the same weight meassure with the
trailer alone. 
Now you can calculate the weight and the center of longitudinal
weight. Give you a good indication were the reserve lead should be
place. Do not forget to calculate the crew and other items
not on board during the meassuring..

The maths for the calculation is very simple - but a natural english
speaker can explain this much easier than I am.. 

Cssx hull was meassured during delivery the main hull 2 months before. 
Calculation was 31,25 t and meassuring was 31,00 t - good - give me
playground - most time things get to heavy.. 

The center of longitudinal weight was also checked with a single mobil
car crane ! Did this that way: 
Calculate the center - mark this on the drawings and mark this 
center also on the real hull.. than meassure the excact distance
- say as example 9 feet from this point forward and aft this point. 
mark this on the hull and give the crane driver the instruction
to fix the ropes on this spots. Lift the boat and if the boat 
gets from the trailer perfect horizontal.. everything is well.
If not - put it down - move one rope and lift again.. if it is
horizontal now - mark the position of the rope on the hull for
recalculation. Cssx both hulls parts were perfect horizontal 
at the first lift. PS.: Make shure that both ropes have the same
length.. (But two spring scales in the ropes give you much exacter

Out for 4-5 hours - have to build a sub.. :-)


Ray Keefer schrieb:
> Hi,
> The road scale at my recycling center is accurate to within 20 pounds.
> Regards,
> Ray