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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Junkyard Wars

 A bit on Junkyard Wars sure beats all this terrorist crap people have been writing about lately!
Sure they say no publicity is bad publicity, but it has sure been a pain in the transom.

 Rob and Dan have been a big part in keeping the dream alive after the theft of our first prototype
Noland Won and the near theft of the entire dream.

 Like it says on our website, "We had good times and bad and over the years we had a family."
I'm happy to teach anyone with the commitment and determination that Rob and Dan have shown,
how to build their own for free, with two conditions: (1) they in turn must help the next guy build his.
(2) they in some small way must use their own creativity to advance the state of the art.
Rob has done both and deserves his 15 minutes of fame.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gona get.
That's all I have so say about that.


Dear Ray

Just to clarify, or maybe confuse even further. Tom and Dennis are good friends of Dan (my partner) and I. We have built a second Bionic dolphin (Sweet Virgin Angel)which is similar in design and almost identical in concept to that of the original Vash prototype which Tom invented . We all live in Redding CA and have all participated in the testing and videoing of the many  runs we've done out on the lake. Technically, I am the owner and financer of the current prototype and we are now commencing construction of Dan's Bionic Dolphin so we can start racing for real. Tom and Dennis are also planning to build a new bigger two seater prototype to replace their original prototype which is missing in Florida somewhere. As fot the rights to the video we made, um... er.... Well it's Dan's video camera so I guess he is.  I'm sure they'll be no dispute from our end. Anything to add Tom?

Rob Innes

PS.  We just did one of longest, fastest, dryest, snorkel depth dives. It was an awesome sight to behold except for the fact the video camera battery had run flat. Taking her out for a reshoot this weekend hopefully!

Ray Keefer wrote:

Hi Rob,

What is your connection to Dennis Kaiser and Tom Rowe? Who actually owns
Bionic Dolphin? Who has rights to the video?


> Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 19:13:21 -0800
> From: Rob Innes <innespace@jett.net>
> X-Accept-Language: en
> To: Ray Keefer <Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM>
> Subject: Junkyard Wars