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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] little sub brother wants input

Hi Alec,
Thanks for the input, that's just the type of critique I'm looking for. 
You see, I am designing kind of backwards.  I'm starting with an asthetic or goal as to how I want the sub to look (hopefully with some consideration for function) and then looking at it one system at a time and then the sub as a whole from a functional standpoint.  I know this is a bit unorthodox and may result in a finished product with a look that is modified from the original concept, but, this is only an appearance concept not a functional design yet.  
The saddle-bags are going to be ballast tanks, so I'm sure that some changes will need to be made to work out front to rear volume ratios for ballancing the trim as the tanks are blown.  The 'bump' directly forward on the bow is a light, and there is (difficult to see) a conical viewport angled downward on the bottom-forward portion of the pressure hull.
As the sub appears, it has a cockpit type main viewport.  If I decide to go with a one atm. sub, that may be changed into a heimspherical viewport for strength.  I loved the cockpit designs that Doc has on "Bionic Dolphin" and some of his planned projects, and would really like to keep that even if it means sacrificing a lot of depth capacity.
The pressure hull will be two rounded double-cone or sphere shapes <>|<> or O|O connected together at the rear of one and forward on the other.  The saddle-bag ballast tanks will be formed separately and attached to either side of the pressure hull structure.
Below aft are the battery-pod tubes (one visible).
Thanks for taking the time to have a look!
Bob Teufel
----- Original Message -----
From: Alec Smyth
To: 'personal_submersibles@psubs.org'
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 2:15 PM
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] little sub brother wants input

Bob, nice drawing but a bit hard to interpret! The ballast tanks, if thatīs what the "saddle-bags" are, seem an odd shape and I'm interested in the rationale for it. It would appear from the shape that their center of buoyancy would shift aft to forward as you blew them... could complicate things. Also, it the "bump" on the front a viewport? It seems a non-standard geometry that would present problems if you go for a 1 atm design.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Teufel [mailto:robert.teufel@verizon.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 1:48 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] little sub brother wants input

Hi all,
I know this is the usual question when a newby like me updates a design, but, would anyone like to go to my site
http://www.compustyle.net/psub/  and look at my newly updated PSUB design.
If anyone has the time, I sure would appreciate any thoughts you might have on the new layout.
Bob T.