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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Emergency tapping code...


while we're (always) on a safety kick, I thought I'd post something
about "Standard bell emergency tapping code".  Something
that might be handy to have post in a any submersible.

  Tapping: 3.3.3
  Meaning: Communication opening procedure (inside and out)

  Tapping: 1
  Meaning: Yes or affirmative or agreed.

  Tapping: 3
  Meaning: No or negative or disagreed.

  Tapping: 2.2
  Meaning: Please repeat.

  Tapping: 2
  Meaning: Stop.

  Tapping: 5
  Meaning: Have you got a seal?

  Tapping: 6
  Meaning: Stand by to be pulled up.

  Meaning: Get ready for through water transfer.
           (open your hatch)

  Meaning: You will NOT release your ballasts.

  Tapping: 4.4
  Meaning: Do release your ballast in 30 minutes from now

  Tapping: 1.2.3
  Meaning: Do increase your pressure.

  Tapping: 3.3.3
  Meaning: Communication closing procedure.

I think I'll put a water proof version clearly posted in
my sub, when I get one...  it could come in useful one day.


The moon ate the sun on Monday and it was an awsome sight to see.