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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Manned Submersibles Book

A little while back, you could get a photo-copy version of the Busby
book from Doug Fowler (SeaLordOne@aol.com), for somewhere around $75.00.

Doug had graciously offered to make copies for folks, and would sell them
for just enough to cover his costs, probably not even including his time.

The copy wasn't excellent quality, but absolutely more than adequate (really
just the pictures were a bit dark).

You might want to drop him an e-mail, if he's still there, and see if
he'll make another copy (or dig up an extra copy that he may have lying

I don't want to volunteer more work for him at all.  So, ask him very very
nicely, and even if he declines, don't hold that against him.

He's done more than his share of work in arranging to have the copies made
in the past.  He may want to 'pass the torch' to someone else.
