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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New means having alot to learn.

Like I said, nothing I can get scanned.  Both the scanner and printer is
down for the count and I have to get replacements.  Double ugh!  :(

"Michael B. Holt" wrote:
> Coalbunny wrote:
> >
> > Man, I think I'm the one getting confused here.  Ok, I must confess to
> > some ignorance of this subject.  I always figured a dry sub is a dry
> > sub.  Now I'm hearing about ambient subs and ATM subs.  Where am I
> > missing this difference?
> Ambient is at the pressure of the water at the depth of the sub.
> Dry doesn't have any water in it.  It's possible to do both at
> once.  "1-ATM" refers to a boat that is sealed so that the internal
> pressure is the same as at the surface.
> > The sub I want would have the option of diver accessability.  I have
> > rough sketches and drawings of it, but nothing I can scan at this
> > point.  I have a CAD program and some sketches on that, but few people
> > are able to open .skd files.
> Print the drawings out and scan them in.  I'd like to see what
> you're thinking.
> Mike

"The plain meaning of the right of the people to keep arms is that it is
an individual, rather than a collective, right and is not limited to
keeping arms while engaged in active military service or as a member of
a select militia such as the National Guard." - U.S. vs. Emerson, 5th
Circuit Federal Court- published October 16, 2001