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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub Safety (was: Underwater Anchor System)

Hi Doc, 

The military sub will never use this ballon system - because 
it will give away the very secret and expensive - in your example - 
german U 212 class submarine to the enenmy.. For the same reason 
the military sub doesn't use drop weights - since the British lost
HMS SEAL at 4th of may 1940 to german hand - using their drop weights 
after some dammages. The "german hands" in this case was a small two 
person seawater aircraft with one small MG .. 

Civil submarines have allready three kind of ways to reach the sun :  
- Dynamic drive 
- Blowing the ballast and regulator tanks, 
  in a Kittredge about three I think, 
  in Cssx at least four, 
- Use the drop weight(s).     

Useing the drop weights (if point one and two fails) is much quicker 
and easier than the subparachute system. 

The ballon system in your drawing has one problem 
- all the hatches are still underwater - even on the surface.. 
The ballons must be on both sides to give some freeboard 
- but with sideballons - if one fails - the boat cames capzied
on the surface. 

German military submarines of today use a gas-generator. 
This generator has two kind of chemicals and produce a hell 
of Hydrazin gas in a very short time if somebody press the button - 
the Generator are locate inside the normal ballast tanks. 
The pressure and flow of the gas is so heavy forced that even 
with some holes or failed vales the boat will surface 
for a short time - so that the crew can leave it. 

I think your saftey ballons - inside the ballast tanks can be a 
maybe better option.

CSSX will have a additional short connector on each pressure hull 
endcaps direct to the ballast tanks so I can give 
air/hellium/hydrogen/oxygen or whatever is remaining in the badly
submarine (*) from one of our small scuba tanks the direct way.  

(*) Surface collison with a fishing vessel - will for example maybe
dammage the hole air blowing piping system and the pressur air storage
- all locate on top of the pressure hull and below the deck. 


"Thomas A. Rowe" schrieb:
> Good call! Thought about that one quite a bit myself,  JPEG image
> 720x511 pixels this is how I imagine it might look.
> Don't know why the Government guys didn't think of something like this
> a long time ago, sure would save a lot of lives.
> Doc