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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Underwater Anchor System

I guess this is where we part opinions. Personal subs should be limited
to lakes, harbors, and waterways or ocean shores that do not exceed test
depth. It is because we are, after all, amateurs at this submarine
stuff. Even I, a former bubblehead, consider myself an amateur since I
neither have the engineering background, education, or expertice to
build a craft worthy of ocean-going trips. Unlike airplanes which come
down naturally where they started and have parachutes as a backup,
submarines only go deeper if something goes wrong and there are no
parachutes. Perhaps you want to use your escape system but I don't want
to bail out in a situation and lose an expensive craft.


VBra676539@aol.com wrote:
> Ed,
> Good submarining? You'll find most of the oceans are to hell and gone deeper
> than all but a small handful of subs can reach. Doesn't stop all the
> mid-water research, nor does it stop the various world's navies from going
> here, there and everywhere. Depth control is a design function, controlling
> depth a pilot's responsibility. Thinking about the bottom is a ground
> pounder's worry. Design and build well, and play the game by the rules, and
> your sub can operate safely anywhere. To get anywhere at all, one takes the
> first step. If it's a 50' vertical step, or a 350' step, so be it. Just be
> safe, plan the dives and dive the plans. Simple.
> Vance