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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub Safety (was: Underwater Anchor System)

You hit the nail on the head, but the PARACHUTE is called a BALLAST TANK. You 
already have all this designed into the sub. It will work. Physics, and all, 
you know? And the interior pressure adjustment is a necessary thing, as you 
will need to adjust fractionally upon surfacing, one way or the other. It is 
very difficult to keep the interior pressure precisely at surface pressure. 
For emergencies, it is far easier to design a flooding system than it is to 
blow the whole sub dry, You'd have to install a bottom hatch, or risk getting 
shot out of a cannon when you pop the conning tower hatch for the long swim 
to the surface. Not a good risk, anyway, but an option we should all weigh 