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If any more members with working P-Subs are contacted by the TV media for an interview and video shoot, the www.psubs web address could be plastered on both sides of the sub to help promote the hobby.
 We have a sign cutting machine at work. I would be happy to make a set of 6" vinyl letters for anyone who have a TV appearance scheduled. They are self adhesive (Scotch-Cal) and are what professional sign shops use to make signs of vehicles, doorways etc.
Tim Smalley
----- Original Message -----
From: Dale
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 6:18 PM

Just some update info..
Ripleys Believe It Or Not, contacted me last week, and came up to sunny Alberta to do the shoot for the program on Saturday 20 October.... We shot video from  9am to 6 pm.. We spent 3 hours filming the sub at the dive site.. They hired divers to take underwater video, and had 2 camera men to do the rest of the filming..    Thanks Jon for the opportunity you passed on... It's my 2 min of fame.....
PS.. I put in a plug for PSUBS.. I hope it shows up..
Ill let everyone know when it will be broadcast.. In the new year sometime.