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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Underwater Anchor System


You're right! I guess I didn't protray a very good example. Folks,
Carsten has a policy of never diving in water deeper than his sub's test
depth. This is simply good submarining. If he should have a serious
problem, he will still have an environment which he can work on his
problem without fear of escalating it more by additional depth. Good
call Carsten.

Your description of a flat bottom with drop off weights on the bottom
becomming stuck in the mud is also a good thought for us to condider. I
believe it is called liquifaction similar to what occurs during an
earthquake in soft sand. The larger items are shook to the bottom while
the water rises. This is also easily shown by standing in the surf and
noting how the wave action buries your feet if you don't move.

Thanks for keeping an eye on all of us.


Carsten Standfuß wrote:
> Hi Ed ,
> I think this is not a real situation..
> For saftey reason there will be a bronze plate inside my
> next sub near the main hatch :
> "If you want to dive with this sub - shut this hatch
> properly and never dive in waters with deeps greater than
> the maximum operational deep (820')"
> With a sub good for 150' I will not dive in 200' deep waters.
> In waters deeper than the max.oper.deep of the sub I will only
> travel all seawater tanks empty  - and on the surface.
> If I want to stay near a shelf wall - I will use the main engine,
> the bow thruster and the stern thruster - and maybe later -
> the autopilot. If the currents are to heavy for that
> - I will not stay near the shelf wall.
> In Sgt.Peppers with fife engines I can stay on a place just with
> the engines - if no or only very slow currents there.
> Most civil subs with outside battery pods near the bottom on both
> sides can resting on the bottom just sitting down.
> One reason that I don't want to resting the bigger sub in our currents
> here just on the bottom is that the keel is a flat plate with the
> drop weights - maybe the sub will going deeper and deeper in the
> mud-bottom if the currents works on the sub and the bottom.
> (Maybe some natural english speaker can explain this effect
> a little better..)
>        " The civil sub has two enemys : Fire and ropes "
>                      (Carsten Standfuss)
> see you - Carsten