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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Underwater Anchor System

Hi Ed , 

I think this is not a real situation.. 

For saftey reason there will be a bronze plate inside my 
next sub near the main hatch : 

"If you want to dive with this sub - shut this hatch
properly and never dive in waters with deeps greater than 
the maximum operational deep (820')" 

With a sub good for 150' I will not dive in 200' deep waters. 
In waters deeper than the max.oper.deep of the sub I will only 
travel all seawater tanks empty  - and on the surface. 

If I want to stay near a shelf wall - I will use the main engine, 
the bow thruster and the stern thruster - and maybe later - 
the autopilot. If the currents are to heavy for that 
- I will not stay near the shelf wall. 

In Sgt.Peppers with fife engines I can stay on a place just with 
the engines - if no or only very slow currents there. 
Most civil subs with outside battery pods near the bottom on both
sides can resting on the bottom just sitting down. 

One reason that I don't want to resting the bigger sub in our currents
here just on the bottom is that the keel is a flat plate with the 
drop weights - maybe the sub will going deeper and deeper in the 
mud-bottom if the currents works on the sub and the bottom. 
(Maybe some natural english speaker can explain this effect 
a little better..) 

       " The civil sub has two enemys : Fire and ropes " 
                     (Carsten Standfuss)

see you - Carsten

Ed Greany schrieb:
> Sounds reasonable. How would you handle the situation as follows:
> Water is 200' deep. Your sub has a maximum depth of 150' but you want to
> stay at 100' in one place. Perhaps to photo something - a shelf or
> whatever. How would you hover in one place at a specified depth without
> being subject to travel by the current?
> Ed