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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Underwater Anchor System

Hey Guys,
For what it is worth, we have used a similar system in
our diving work. We use a ridged lift rig, ie 3-4
barrels welded end to end) and need it to stay put on
bottom. It cannot rest directly on the bottom, as the
load is slung under the belly. So we make it neutral,
and move it into place. Then drive a heavy steel rod
through two rings on one end, and clamp them down.
With the rod in the bottom, we just vent that barrel
on that end a bit. It holds well in the currents of
the river system I work in, which can be much faster
even that longshores(10+ knots).
On a sub, it would need to as low tech as possible.
Maybe use a spring detent pin, and an electronic or
cable pin actuator. Just deploy via gravity, or with a
water plunger. Almost impossible to kill, and tiny
hull penetrators. I plan to use such a device on our

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