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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] I am editor/publisher of a new CD based dive magazine and wondered if any from the


I don't know what exactly your interested in but I have a work in progress here in
Northeastern Pa.  I'm building a K-350.  It hasn't been wet yet and probably won't be for a
year, but if you want to take a ride this way.  I'll show you around and let ya kick the

Dan H.

Walter Starck wrote:

> My posts seem to be working now so will repeat below post of a few days ago which did not
> seem to appear.
> -------------------------
> I am editor/publisher of a new CD based dive magazine and wondered if any from the
> Sub-List might be interested in doing a story on personal subs.  It could either be the
> story of an individual's experience or an overview of the personal sub scene with material
> from multiple contributors.
> A sub story could be presented as conventional text and still images, an automatic
> multimedia full screen high resolution slide show or full screen high res video or even
> all of these.  It could be a really fascinating piece.
> Our publication, Golden Dolphin Video CD magazine, has amazed viewers with what is now
> possible with CD on modern computers.  For more info see our web site.
> Walter Starck
> Golden Dolphin Video CD Magazine
> www.goldendolphin.com