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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: An "objection" to psubs

MerlinSub@t-online.de wrote:
> 1.0) Private answer:
> Here in Germany they have rules and lawes for everything.
> But the forgotten rules for two things : Submarines and Spaceship.
> I hate rules but have not the money to build a spaceship..

In 1974, the U.S. Government did not regulate ballistic missiles,
manned or unmanned ... at least they were not regulated in terms
of flights.  It was a bit more expensive that I'd hoped.  The
FAA inspector had to agree, grudgingly, that a working replica
Ba349 would have been, strictly speaking, quite legal as long
as I did not launch from my back yard.  That's probably been
changed by now.
> I like the simple old law of the sea: Its free for everbody
> - and pirats will be hanged to dead on the highest mast.

We need to have that made into a plaque.  
