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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] An "objection" to psubs

I heard someone say the exact same thing about the CSSX!  I've only ever
seen one arcticle on the subject, but Im sure there is more out there.
Click here and scroll down to the bottom
http://www.ussubs.com/Main_folder/itvpt.2.html  If nothing else, it is
interesting.  Has anyone ever questioned you Carsten???

Steve McColman

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael B. Holt" <mholt@richmond.edu>
To: "PSUBS List" <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 7:32 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] An "objection" to psubs

> I showed Carten's mastework to my Other Half (who inspired the toilet
> query).  She was (properly) amazed and impressed, but her first
> question was "Is that legal?"  Of course it's legal, I told her;
> why do you ask?
> She pointed out that the (American) Drug Enforcement Agency might
> be interested in a boat like the CSSX, thinking that it would
> make a great way to smuggle drugs.  I had to admit she might have
> a point: anything with that much capability might attract a lot
> of unwelcome attention.
> Has anyone heard anything about this idea?
> Mike