----- Original Message -----From: Mad Pirate ShinSent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 12:54 PMSubject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Maybe Someday?Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Maybe Someday? Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 01:28:56 -0500 With that said, I jump into my next question. Why isn't more effort by governments or whomever, spent researching the possibilities of mans existence in the sea. Is it considered that Cousteau proved and discovered everything there was to prove and discover with the Conshelf project? Sort of a "been there, done that" attitude. It would seem more logical that if "we" were to set off colonizing something other than earth, that the next step would be the sea and not some distant planet. Ty --------------------------------------------------------------------- As far as the next step in colonization, the sea would be much easier to colonize than another planet. Not only is it easier to get to, but you would have more resources readily available with which to make buildings, make air, and make food/money. However, I've not heard of serious colonization plans since I first heard of the Artemis Project(). The only reason to colonize is if money can be made, new sciences can be learned, or if it would just be really neat-o to live there. Colonizing outerspace sure has that charm, and boy wouldn't it be great to live on a space station? But who wants to live on the bottom of a muddy ocean? The fact is, I don't WANT to live in the deep dark depths of the ocean, and the only way you'd get me to stay is a LOT of money.
From: "Ty Alley"
Now there may be money making opportunities at depth that I don't know about, but any opportunities dealing with food or the living resources of the sea deal in relatively shallow depths. These depths can be handled with SCUBA or PSubs for far less than the cost of a habitat(and you get to live in town too).
I could enjoy living underwater if I could read the newspaper at 2,000 feet down. But if you want to colonize the ocean, I think yer best bet is to build a houseboat, not an underwater habitat.
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