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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Blowing ballast (was: question about general design?)

In a message dated 8/13/2001 3:19:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
mholt@richmond.edu writes:

<< Long ago, I was actually thinking about using gravel as emergency
 ballast. I had the idea that a thick trash bag nested in a frame 
 of metal would survive most normal operations, and I'd drop the 
 ballast by having a blade that would tear the bag.  The gravel 
 would  cascade out of the frame, tearing the bag to shreds. 
You might want to do some experiments about weight before making any 
decisions along the "detachable gravel" line. You might be surprised just how 
much volume it takes to equal a chunk of lead the size of a shoe box.