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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] question about general design?

Hi Anthony

Were you get this figures ? 200$ for a class certification ? - 
Give me the adress from the socitey with the phone number of the man 
which gives me the ABS or LRS or GL or NV or BV or similar certifcation 
for 200 ! 

The last time I ask a class - it 2 times the cost for the big sub
and about 5 times for the one man. 
Each vale has to be classed, each steel plate needs the
paper before you work on it, each weld of the pressure hull has to be
x-rayed, the pressure hull has to be pressure tank tested which 
cost here 25000 $ a day in the test chamber and 25.000 $ for the
for the test chamber. Each pipe has to be go inside the hull with a
vale, the live support system has to work for days. Everthing needs
a certification paper - for example a acrylic porthole with
from the same company in the same quality cost 2 times the price of one 
without this paper.. I forgot : each drawing has to send to the class 
in 3-4 copies before you start to build anything - you can start during
time they send you one copy back with there stamps and there red marks.  

Marks like : " Please make the pressure 1/25 inch thicker" - means 
a complete new weight and bouancy calculation... 

The test progamm alone needs weeks.. Maybe in the US the class is
simpler ?

I am working on a yard - we work with differnt classes manly with 
LRS (Lloyds register of Shipping) and GL (Germanischer Lloyd). 

50 $ for the book seems right - for each book.. They have one for 
the submarine, one for the machinery, one for the electric and 
some more for the other items. 

Hope the class office is near your backyard - the want also travel 
cost for the inspections teams.. 

see you Carsten - Germany

> >
> If you can afford a $15,000 sub you can afford the roughly $500 it takes to
> get certified ($200 for the class, $50 for the book, $150 for lodging at the
> dive site that you do your open water dives at and another $100 for gas and
> gear rental-but costs are variable so you should ask someplace that has
> classes and do your own math).
> Anthony