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[PSUBS-MAILIST] question about general design?

Is it better to put as much stuff outside the crew compartment so that the amount of ballast necessary to reach neutral bouancy is minimized or to focus on putting as much stuff inside as possible so that you minimize the number of holes in the crew compartment?   Second question.  Are off the shelf air tanks that you would get at Home Depot that are rated up to 125PSI  sufficient for storing pressurized air for blowing your ballast?  My sub would be rated to perhaps 50ft and operated at more than say 25ft.    And if not, what is recommended.  What mechanizism or used to hold drop weights in place.  Solenoids or Pneumatic.   I assume they would have to be deadman type devices like air breaks .   As soon as I get a scanner, I'll send you some diagrams.  Thanks Ken.
----- Original Message -----
From: Captain Nemo
To: Personal (Discussion) Submersibles
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:01 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sarah, Ken, and Matt...

TO: Sarah Peck, Ken Harris, and Matt Cadieux:
If you'll send me a jpeg scan of your designs, I'll be happy to help.
Very best regards,
Pat Regan