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First thanks for the response I got to answer one question my age is 16 but don't get the wrong idea.  I am currently studying electronics and am taking night college classes starting in sept. in engineering.  I have basically figure out my hull prob. and the design I am shooting for is something similar to the bionic dolphin which you have prob all heard about.  Basically I want to create my own design though I want a dynamic dive sub with duel electric motors I am shooting for maneuverability and speed. (not to fast in the prototype though) I have most of the design and basics worked out and what I am stuck on is what the best system for controlling air pressure inside the hull would be, and if anyone can e-mail me a copy of the plans they used for there pressure control it would be greatly apreciated.  I figured out that a 3/16" steel hull would work for up to 250 feet.  I wanted to know if this sounded right and if there was a better material to use. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
                                                                                        Matt Cadieux