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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Psub for Lew

Lew Clayman wrote:
> > I looked at that idea, when I got the plans years ago.  The
> > problem is that the hull is short and the "wings" too flexible.
> OK - but I wonder if these issues are necessary limitations?  In
> other words, why couldn't more effective pontoons be used just
> fin instead?  And the proportions varied somewhat?

Yeah, that would work.  I didn't do anything beyond wonder what
would happen if I put lateen sails on each float.  Changing the
size of the floats would make the thing an inverted trimaran (the
central hull is smaller than the amas ... this sort of thing
belongs on a boat design list, doesn't it?  :) ).  Hmmmm .....
> Sure, from a surface-vessel point of view, it would be less than
> optimal because of all the displacement in the wings, vs in the
> central hull, but that's a compromise - not a showstopper, yeah?

You're right.  
