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[PSUBS-MAILIST] New logo, alternatives, etc.

I think the new logo is coming along well.
I also like Vance's idea for an alternative, possibly humorous, design.  I think this would be good as, say, and "unofficial" design, maybe produced as a T-shirt transfer, just for grins.
The idea of some Rube Goldberg contraption; a modified water heater, 55-gallon drum, or something along those lines; with a cartoon / characature "submadman" pilot, has a lot of merit.
When I get the time, I'll noodle around with this one a bit; and I invite others to do so, as well.  Maybe we could come up with something between us.  And T-shirt transfers are a snap for anyone with an ink-jet printer.
Also liked the idea of using a historical sub; say, Bushnell's TURTLE, or other.
Then again, how about some transfers with the PSUBS script, but also using some of our own subs as the graphic?  We've got some cool boats here; and again, transferring their image to a T-shirt transfer would be a simple matter of pulling them out of the C-drive.
I'm beginning to see more possibilities than limitations here.
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