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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] CSX-1 technical inquiry.

Hi Pat..

> Captain Nemo schrieb:
> Carsten,
> In welding your pressure hull together:
> (1) What kind of joint are you using between mated plates?

My translation book is not very helpful with "mated plates". 
But in general I use O-rings for pressure parts and flat rubber
gasket for non pressure parts. The main Machinery hull joint
will be a mixture between a o-ring, a hard rubber flat gasket 
just a little smaller in tickness than the O-ring 
and on the outside a fluid rubber sealer to prevend rust. 

> (2) Are you welding in single or multiple passes?

In a single passes if ever possible on multi-layer weldings.
The regulator tank joint flanges has 6 layer weldings. 
I pre-heated the steel with a gas flame and make all layers during 
the time the material was hot from the welding process. 
It is clear vissible that the last layers on the hot material 
gets much better than on the cold material. 
Sometimes I work overnight - because of something went wrong and I 
lost time by repair work (grinding) on the weld etc. 
Single layer welds I did on different days - but I grind the first 
1-2 inch were the old weld starts or end - specialy if I use the Mig 
welder - this parts can be to "cold" with a bad conection. 

> Pat