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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Psubs logo

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Wallace" <psml@whoweb.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 5:28 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Psubs logo

> We're not all going to agree on one design, and that's the problem
> with designing by committee.

Maybe so, but we're doing a lot of good brainstorming, and coming up with a
lot of good material to make a selection from.

  Unless there is a majority in favor
> of the current design, let's open it up for submittals for another
> week and then take a vote on them before the end of June.

Is there really a need to hurry?  I mean, the way the logo is now don't look
bad; a lot of people are coming up with ideas; seems the more it gets
thought about, the better it becomes.  Maybe if we let it simmer for a while
longer it will it will turn into something really good.   Besides, I'm
crunched for time right now, and maybe others are too.  Howsabout the end of

> Suggestions for logos are fine, but unless you have someone willing
> to actually put a graphic together you may not get any further with
> it.

I could do that, but it's going to take a little time as I have some
priorities that need to be gotten out of the way first.   Not too much time,

> I'm still interested in a wire frame design.

I can't do that.  One of you guys with CAD?

  If someone gets
> me a copyright-free graphic and a mathematical equation that means
> something (or a reasonable motto) I'll put something together with
> it.
> Jon

There are several equations that have to do with, say, figuring a sub's
hydrostatic center of gravity, but I doubt they'd be recognized for what
they are by 99.999 percent of the planet.  I like PERSONAL SUBMERSIBLES and
PSUBS.ORG just as it is; kind of says it all, I think.

Then again, I like Vance's and other guys ideas for making it clever,
creative, amusing, or using a strongly representative sub in the graphic.  I
know eventually it's going to have to boil down to a final product; but for
now, let's stir the pot for a while, and see what kind of soup we get.
