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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] psubs logo

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Wallace" <psml@whoweb.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 4:11 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] psubs logo

> Ok, I can take a hint.  Try looking at the new revision.  I colored
> it white again (shadows for some detail) left in some of the lines that
> give the hull detail, and put PSUBS.ORG at the bottom.

I just looked at the revision.  That IS better.  Will your graphics tool
allow you to change the shape of the sail to resemble the multi-port cabin
on the PERRY CUBMARINE, and paint it yellow?  That could solve the "too
military" problem right there.
> I tried a version with arched lettering but it looked too "NAVY".

I dunno.  People recognize it as dealing with vessels.  Would look really
nice on a hat, or on a patch, too.

Your straight lettering also looks good, though.  Underneath gives the sub
image a "foundation" to sit on: good artistic composition.

Dig this: The submarine in the center; an arch across the top reading
PERSONAL SUBMERSIBLES; and PSUBS.ORG underneath, centered, and maybe a
little smaller than the upper script.  Yellow print and picture on deep blue

