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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] psubs logo

D'OH!  Hit the wrong button a minute ago! (Transmitted a blank.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Wallace" <psml@whoweb.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 4:11 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] psubs logo

The perry cubmarine might work as well
> as any other psub.  The problem is getting a good side or 75% view photo
> of the sub we decide to use.  I can round off the front end of the
> current graphic if that would help.
> Jon

There's a fair 3/4 shot of the PC-3A1 on page 170 of MANNED SUBMERSIBLES.
Facing opposite the original logo, though; and a little down in the bow.
Still, with a little magic, I could scan it, reverse it, turn it around, and
maybe use one of my special effects graphics tools to make it a bit more
suitable to the purpose.   Might look alright.

There's also a slightly aft starboard side view of the PC-38 hanging in a
hoist sling on page 172; but I'm thinking a 3/4 front shot (like the
original logo) would probably look better.

I've also got an old tape of an episode of FLIPPER around here somewhere (if
it aint mildewed to death) that had Burt Reynolds as the bad guy driving an
orange PERRY CUBMARINE.  Might get a good angle off that; grab a still with
my SNAPPY video digetizer; run it through one of my graphics programs (I've
got several); and maybe that will work.

Or I could just draw the bugger.

Gonna have to wait a little while, though.  They tried to hook us up to a
high-speed online (cable) internet connection yesterday; it aint up yet; and
tonight when she gets home we're splitting the case on the tower to put in
another card.

Meanwhile, I'll go look at the new logo; do some sketches; whatever.  If you
don't decide on something before I get around to it, I'll see what I can
come up with.
