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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Joining the Ring!

Hi All,

Cool site.

------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------

Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 23:22:42 +0100
From: waterbeatle2000 <waterbeatle2000@netscapeonline.co.uk>
X-Accept-Language: en-GB,en
To: ray@psubs.org
Subject: Joining the Ring!

Thurs. 14th June 2001.    2300hrs

Dear Pat
My name is William G. Smith, I live in England, and am a retired RAF
technical teacher.
A few years ago, in order to raise funds for the local hospital, I
decided to build a miniature submarine, .  The project was very
sucessful and all the objectives were achieved.  [Image]

Although I have a web site, I have not as yet managed to get it included
in the Yahoo directory.   This is a little frustrating as it would be
great to communicate and exchange ideas with the similar minded.
Since looking through your interesting group of P-subs it occurred to me
that you may possibly allow the "Water Beatle" to be added to your list
-  with a reciprocal link of course.
Hoping that this is acceptable.
With best wishes.    Bill.
(  waterbeatle2000@netscapeonline.co.uk )

Web site :- http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/waterbeatle2000

------------- End Forwarded Message -------------

Thurs. 14th June 2001.    2300hrs

Dear Pat
My name is William G. Smith, I live in England, and am a retired RAF technical teacher.
A few years ago, in order to raise funds for the local hospital, I decided to build a miniature submarine, .  The project was very sucessful and all the objectives were achieved. 
Although I have a web site, I have not as yet managed to get it included in the Yahoo directory.   This is a little frustrating as it would be great to communicate and exchange ideas with the similar minded.
Since looking through your interesting group of P-subs it occurred to me that you may possibly allow the "Water Beatle" to be added to your list  -  with a reciprocal link of course.
Hoping that this is acceptable.
With best wishes.    Bill.
waterbeatle2000@netscapeonline.co.uk )

Web site :- http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/waterbeatle2000



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