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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Email address needed.

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From: thomasj@sullivan.ms
Date: 1 May 2001 19:33:26 -0000
To: ray@psubs.org
Subject: Email address needed.
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Dear Ray:

My name is Tom Sullivan and I've been thoroughly enjoying
the PSUBS.ORG  website for quite some time now.  I had
design ideas for building a sub 30 years ago and the kids are raised
now and my dream of building one again, is in front of me.

My expertise is in the design and construction of biomedical
electronic products. Really, anything electronic with a brain.
I am currently penciling out a dedicated computor system for 
the operations of a personal submersable.  I'm totally pumped.

I just wanted to introduce myself and to let you know that
my expertise for PSUB.ORG members is available.  I'm big on
swapping services/parts and volunteering just for the "good" of these
endeavors/efforts that I read and view at this and other websites.

I would also like to get the email address of Carsten Stanfuss.
I want to personally applaud him for his great efforts with
his CSSX1 craft.

Thank you Ray, and if I can be of service in any way, please 
don't hesitate to call on me.  Anything electronic/electrical.

Best regards,

Tom Sullivan
Bodega Bay Coast
Santa Rosa, California
(707) 568-3206


Get your firstname@lastname email for FREE at http://Nameplanet.com/?su

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