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[PSUBS-MAILIST] National Geographic Adventure

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X-Sent: 24 Apr 2001 02:14:49 GMT
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 02:13:58 -0000
X-Sender: wksmail@mail.telocity.com
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 22:14:00 -0400
To: ray@psubs.org
From: WDA2205@marinenet.net
Subject: National Geographic Adventure

Dear Mr. Keefer,

I am writing an article for Adventure about a gentleman, Karl Stanley, who
designed and built his own personal submersible, and I was wondering if I could
talk to you about some technical aspects of personal subs and the associated
dangers. If you don't feel comfortable speaking authoritatively on the topic, I
was wondering if you could point me to someone who might?

My cell phone number is: 917-449-3152. Or, you can contact me by email by
responding to this message, which may be the best way to reach me as I'm 
up from Key West to Fort Lauderdale over the next two days.

Thanks for your attention to this matter,

Paul Bennett

Remember! Use "Plain Text" mode when responding to this message. Do Not: 
send a copy of this message back us in your reply, No long jokes with many 
recipients addresses or mailing lists please. Public Station WKS. 

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