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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] low blood 02 levels

Healthy average size male.....5mg Ativan oughta do it.  Anyway, I've seen it
work for some very violent/stubborn severe mentally disabled clients of

-----Original Message-----
From: Mad Pirate Shin <psub_only_temporary@hotmail.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:23 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] low blood 02 levels

>I was watching the Learning Channel last night and they aired a show how
>brain survives longer without oxygen when it is cold.  They said just a
>small drop would help immensely but didn't give a specific temperature, I
>got the impression that the best temperature was somewhere around 35-40
>degrees fahrenheit.  They mentioned (but gave NO details whatsoever) that
>the brain dies not from lack of oxygen but from a chemical "self destruct"
>signal it gives itself.  The best thing I can figure is that the body
>off blood flow to appendages and routes it to the vital organs, since you
>cannot valve off parts of the brain it sends a signal to kill off
>unimportant areas (memory and parts not needed just to live) thus
>  It struck me that when yer running low on oxygen in a sub there is a
>plentiful supply of coldness all around you on the seafloor.  Perhaps you
>could valve in some seawater and just 'chill' until help arrives.  However,
>the violent shivering that the body does to heat itself would use up a lot
>of oxygen as well.  Perhaps a strong muscle relaxant or any other drug that
>could knock you unconcsious would be enough to keep you alive for several
>days off just the cabin air.  You'd have to have a separate scrubber/air
>bleed rate for the comatose state or you'd wind up with too little or too
>high cabin pressure.  You'd also need a pretty good battery run time for
>emergency system to keep the scrubber going for a few days.
>  I wouldn't want to go to sleep until I knew someone had found me, but
>is everyone's opinion here?  Anybody have any experience with
>pharmaceuticals that knock you on yer rear all day?
>                  Shin
>P.S. - just another crazy idea, feel free to flame away!
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