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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] low blood 02 levels

1 ATM subs are required to have 72 hours minimum  of life support in case of
an emergency.
Do you put yourself in hibernation after that to extend your life expectency
for a couple of hours, or do you unplug right away?

----- Original Message -----
From: Mad Pirate Shin <psub_only_temporary@hotmail.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 1:10 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] low blood 02 levels

> I was watching the Learning Channel last night and they aired a show how
> brain survives longer without oxygen when it is cold.  They said just a
> small drop would help immensely but didn't give a specific temperature, I
> got the impression that the best temperature was somewhere around 35-40
> degrees fahrenheit.  They mentioned (but gave NO details whatsoever) that
> the brain dies not from lack of oxygen but from a chemical "self destruct"
> signal it gives itself.  The best thing I can figure is that the body
> off blood flow to appendages and routes it to the vital organs, since you
> cannot valve off parts of the brain it sends a signal to kill off
> unimportant areas (memory and parts not needed just to live) thus
> oxygen.
>   It struck me that when yer running low on oxygen in a sub there is a
> plentiful supply of coldness all around you on the seafloor.  Perhaps you
> could valve in some seawater and just 'chill' until help arrives.
> the violent shivering that the body does to heat itself would use up a lot
> of oxygen as well.  Perhaps a strong muscle relaxant or any other drug
> could knock you unconcsious would be enough to keep you alive for several
> days off just the cabin air.  You'd have to have a separate scrubber/air
> bleed rate for the comatose state or you'd wind up with too little or too
> high cabin pressure.  You'd also need a pretty good battery run time for
> emergency system to keep the scrubber going for a few days.
>   I wouldn't want to go to sleep until I knew someone had found me, but
> is everyone's opinion here?  Anybody have any experience with
> pharmaceuticals that knock you on yer rear all day?
>                   Shin
> P.S. - just another crazy idea, feel free to flame away!
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