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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub with arm

>  A one inch diameter cylinder (for example) has an area of .8 in^2, so 20 x .8 = 16 lbs. Not impossible, but you may get more of a workout than you planned.

Hi Joe,
   There are double acting cylinders, the only point that would be
subject to pressure would be the diameter of the push rod, 1/4 inch, and
not the diameter of the cylinder, or piston, which has one ATM on either
side of it. 

> What's the vacuum supposed to do?
> Joe

   The thinking is, that if the hull was sitting at sea level, and we
pulled a 30 inch vacuum it would be the same as sinking the hull to 33
(?) feet, the increase of one ATM.
   So by sinking the hull to what ever depth that is available, then
pumping the interior down, you are adding to the test depth by
increasing the pressure on the hull by the addition (subtraction?) of
the vacuum. 
   Sound right?
Stan, in Missouri.