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I've done some research on electric cars and AC seems to be getting much 
more popular due to higher efficiencies, also the electronics is supposed 
to be getting more affordable, still not low enough for my budget. I 
don't see why the same would not apply to subs, There are quite a few 
places online you can find information regarding motors, inverters, speed 
controllers, and batteries for electric cars and trucks, I would imagine 
that they could just as easily be applied to subs.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 4/24/01, 3:37:47 PM, TeslaTony@aol.com wrote regarding Re: 

> In a message dated 4/24/01 6:06:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> VBra676539@aol.com writes:

> > There were lots of AC motors around on the initial deep submergence
> vehicles (
> > Deep Quest, DOWB, and others) and they were favored as Dan says because 
> > didn't have to sweat brushes and they were easy to compensate. Brushes 
> to
> > be a problem under DEEP pressures--they weld up. For our uses, aside from
> the
> > fun of it, I'm not sure if there is justification to be had for AC 
> > Low voltage DC lowers the shock hazards, for one thing.

> The voltage problem shouldn't be that big of a deal for flooding since 
> inverter would probably be shorted out and rendered useless, shorted 
> contacting the hull might be a bigger problem on the other hand.... 
> taken care of with a fuse?).

> One of the main reasons I brought up AC motors is because I heard AC 
> are more efficient that DC motors, but if there is a 10% loss in the 
> they would have to be a good deal more efficient than DC to make up for 
> loss. The upside to lousy inverters is that I wouldn't need to use extra
> power on a heater.

> >  As a point of interest, Comex used AC propulsion on the Moana subs and
> > others. Don't know why. French, don'cha know.

> Maybe the French liked Tesla's AC system better than the Edison DC 

> >  Vance
> >
> >  PS. Are my messages coming out wide screen to everyone?

> They seem to be fine to me. Besides, I like technicolor.

> Later on today I'm going to look up a place that sells Solar energy 
> (including inverters) and take a look at what they have.

> Anthony