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In a message dated 4/24/01 6:06:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
VBra676539@aol.com writes:

> There were lots of AC motors around on the initial deep submergence 
vehicles (
> Deep Quest, DOWB, and others) and they were favored as Dan says because you 
> didn't have to sweat brushes and they were easy to compensate. Brushes get 
> be a problem under DEEP pressures--they weld up. For our uses, aside from 
> fun of it, I'm not sure if there is justification to be had for AC systems. 
> Low voltage DC lowers the shock hazards, for one thing.

The voltage problem shouldn't be that big of a deal for flooding since the 
inverter would probably be shorted out and rendered useless, shorted wires 
contacting the hull might be a bigger problem on the other hand.... (maybe 
taken care of with a fuse?).

One of the main reasons I brought up AC motors is because I heard AC motors 
are more efficient that DC motors, but if there is a 10% loss in the inverter 
they would have to be a good deal more efficient than DC to make up for the 
loss. The upside to lousy inverters is that I wouldn't need to use extra 
power on a heater.

>  As a point of interest, Comex used AC propulsion on the Moana subs and 
> others. Don't know why. French, don'cha know.

Maybe the French liked Tesla's AC system better than the Edison DC system.

>  Vance
>  PS. Are my messages coming out wide screen to everyone?

They seem to be fine to me. Besides, I like technicolor.

Later on today I'm going to look up a place that sells Solar energy products 
(including inverters) and take a look at what they have.
