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In a message dated 4/24/01 10:22:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
bgreen@northwoodtec.com writes:

I would like comments/suggestions/problems on this design.

Thank you

Barry Green

Interesting idea.  The increase in depth capability to 10 feet means the hull
must withstand about 5 psi, since this design is NOT an ambient sub.  I'm not
sure the hatch design of this sub is capable.  The original design went about
4 feet deep, and that's less than half the pressure that you are

Moving the batteries to the pontoons may or may not be a good idea,  because
you need lots of weight to sink the cabin (which is just a big bubble) and
the batteries can also serve as ballast.

Suspension cables could be a problem because the cabin is able to move around
in relation to the floats, unlike the rigid wing design.  Rough water (even
boat wakes) and currents would be problematic.

Let's say you cut the wings off...  It already has ballast tanks.  Increase
the compressed air supply, add air pressure regulation (scuba regulators to
pressurize the cabin to depth, to blow ballast tanks and to breathe) and
you've got an ambient pressure dry sub.  Depth and duration capabilities
equal to scuba tables... almost unlimited when less than 30 feet deep, where
the limiting factors become air and power supplies.

Well, at least that the path I'm taking...  Something for you to mull over...

Ft. Lauderdale