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Re: [[PSUBS-MAILIST] Undersea Habitats]

Herve -

Long time studys on bodys of dead professional divers (Nort Sea work
divers died on high age or on other accident - no on dive accident) here
in europe
shows that parts of the brain and also the main nerve bus in the neck
(don't know the english word..) are badly dammaged by very small mirco

This divers have no dive accident and dive controled inside the tables.
Other test with older divers - still alive during the test - shows that
they have a bigger lost of remembering and other important brain
functions than normal for there age... Maybe each dive will dammage your
body a little... 

Its maybe like smoking or drinking alcohol or longtime phone talks 
with a mobil telephone. 

So I dive and drink (sometimes..) but don't use a mobil telephone or
- to compensate that .. 

Later with CSSX I will dive normaly under 1 Atm - so I eliminate 3 of 4 
problems for each crew member because it is not possible to smoke or
mobil phone underwater and it is not nessesary to dive under pressure -
just drinking is possible - but new studys (my own) shows that this
alone will not dammage your brain.. But drinking and control a submarine
at the same time will maybe dammage the submarine... 

Today I welded parts of the stern section together (Welding gear is back
from refit - works better than ever before..). I protected myself with a
gasmask, welding helmet, head-set, security shoe, security work clothes,
scarf and gloves - but one scuba dive to long and/or to deep will waste
all this investments.. One filter for the mask is about 4 Dollar and
work just one day.. 

It a good idear to make a decompression stop with pure oxygen for some
10-30 minutes in 10 feet - leaving a 30 feet deep habiat after some

Sorry about my spelling - Carsten

John Pier schrieb:
> Vance wrote
> Interesting--but I might suggest that 500 french divers might SMELL like
> goats after several days--500 divers from anywhere would--it conjures an
> interesting picture--
> that s a good one Vance!!
> Just to be precise, it was 500 divers not at the same time of course, such
> huge habitat does not exist, actually the odor removal is the easiest
> "detail" to take care of , humidity removal and CO2 are more serious.
> Herve
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <VBra676539@aol.com>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 4:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [[PSUBS-MAILIST] Undersea Habitats]
> > In a message dated 4/6/2001 11:25:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > caribsub@coqui.net writes:
> >
> > << Besides other theories I would add that myself like 500 minimum other
> > divers experienced (French Navy) several days at 30 Ft at saturation under
> > strict monitoring without a single decompression sickness reported.
> >  500 Navy divers that s a lot of divers who are no goats, they may be
> > healthier than the average population, but 0 incidents it is more than a
> > confirmation. it is a fact. >>
> >
> > Interesting--but I might suggest that 500 french divers might SMELL like
> > goats after several days--500 divers from anywhere would--it conjures an
> > interesting picture--
> >
> > As to habitats, why not make a sort of towed DLO sub? Use the tow boat as
> > your surface support with low pressure/high volume compressor, a small
> > generator, potable water source and surface support. You wouldn't have to
> > worry about ballast. It would be built in. Concrete maybe. And you'd have
> > MBTs to flood down and then a couple of sizeable trim tanks to go negative
> > with. You could blow ballast using your air source when the time came to
> go
> > to the house and then you wouldn't have to worry about hazards to
> navigation.
> > Stay out of the shipping lanes, fly your RAM flags and relax and enjoy it.
> > Vance
> >
> >