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Re: [[PSUBS-MAILIST] Undersea Habitats]

In a message dated 4/6/01 4:47:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
MerlinSub@t-online.de writes:

> May you can stay longer with higher oxygen, lower nitrogen gas mixture ? 

Aren't there mixes for SCUBA that replace the Nitrogen with Helium or Argon 
to increase your No Decompression Limit?

>  A old Tank freighter lorry will be a cheap way to do that- 
>  All you need is there - The tank, the stell chasis and wheel to carry
>  it to the harbour. Maybe you should use one which were use for 
>  food like milk or wiskey made from stainless steel ..
>  There is no need for anchors - just heavy weights to compensate the
>  bouancy
>  and small dive tanks or dive tanks bulkheads to sink the structure. 
>  The dive tank could be used as bottom inside the structure.  
>  regards Carsten
If you weighted the habitat enough then you could have a snorkel and air 
compressor pumping air through all the time, and excess air and CO2 could 
just be allowed to bubble out the bottom of the habitat through a moon pool. 
That way the pressure is always equalized and construction will be very 

For a 1ATM habitat a large submarine without a propulsion system, 
navigational system, conning tower or anything else deemed unnecessary for a 
habitat would do pretty well. Adding one or two docking ports for a submarine 
diver lock-out chamber would probably be a good idea, but something that is 
meant to be a temporary installation that can just be towed out to sea, 
dropped into place and left there for a day or two with all external work 
being done by AUVs or ROVs would work too.
