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Re: [[PSUBS-MAILIST] Undersea Habitats]

Lew Clayman schrieb:
> --- Carsten Standfuß <MerlinSub@t-online.de> wrote:
> > The "No Decompression Nessesary time" (Bottom Time) at 30' (9,1m)
> > is about 653 Minutes (about 11 hours). After this you have make
> > a break during surfacing at 3m (10'). My tables shows not how long -
> > because this time is far beyond divers table.
> How do you calculate for tides?  Over 6 hours (about half an ocean tide wavelength) depths can
> vary by several feet in many areas, peak-to-trough.

Nice discussion - tide here is 2,8 m = 9,2 feet

30 feet + 9,2 = 39,2 = 12m = Bottom time = 192 minutes = 3,2 hours !

Also make shure that the scuba regulator at your underwater-home is
- or it will be flooded partly during high tide ..
> > A small diver look out chamber will free you from the time limit.
> Please explain for a newbie!

Pressure in the habiat is 1 atm - , pressure in the exchange chamber can
be change from 1 atm. to ambient. Bottom time in the habiat himself is
same as on the surface at 1 atm - endless.. But diver chamber needs two
hatches (inside/outside).  
> Also, what is the legal position on sinking permanent structures in depths under 30'?  When does
> it create a "hazard to navigation" for surface vessels?

If you sink it - gratulation - now you are the owmer of a 
"hazard to navigation" - object... Maybe you should look for a place
were no bigger surface ships are- maybe between reef rocks.. 

I like the spirit in Great Britain or the USA. 

In Germany - if you show you One-man submarine to the public - 
the people always ask first : Nice - it is insuranced ?, 
do you need a driver licence ?, it is legal ? how much you have spend
for ? 

In the UK or US the people ask more like : How long you have build on it
How deep you can dive with it ?. And maybe: How much you have spend for
Never anybody in the GB or US ask me about a insurance police ...

Carsten - its not against the law - so must be a legal position ... 
> -Lew
> =====
> "If you ask me a question I don't know, I won't answer it."
>           - Yogi Berra
> =====
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