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[PSUBS-MAILIST] I've descended!

Dear Fellow personal submariners,

It is with great pride that I report to you that I have now officially taken
my first real submarine journey.
I had the opportunity last week in Cozumel, to pile aboard the good ship
Atlantis and descend to 110 feet for about 45 minutes.  It was even more
stunning than I could have hoped for.  I was two seats away from the pilot
seat and kept looking out of the large bow portal, wondering how I could
convince this guy to just let me drive  a little bit...

Oh well, some day when I own my own Nomad ( $72 million dollar luxury
yacht/sub ), I'll get to do all of the piloting.

Until then, Time to clear out some more garage space and start building.

Most sincerely,

Gregory Snyder